Daggers V Stags

Cheese & Biscuits

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2015
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Water off a duck's arse.

This place would be boring if we were nice & serious all the time.

Flaxman's Alibi

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2015
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Pulled Down Town
Tubby Evans Embalming Army
Dagenham is one of those places for us and it looked as though it was going to carry on when you went 3-1 up. The penalty was crucial before half time as your manager said, but I thought with the couple of stoppages for injury in the second half you were going to ride it out for the win. An unbelievable week but against two sides which are doing poorly at the minute, I don't want us to get ahead of ourselves just yet.

Reading this thread has been embarrassing, I was expecting to come on to see both sets of fans talking about how good of a game it was and how Dagenhams fans thought we did compared to other seasons. But the same few seem to have the ability to drag threads into some weird slanging match which was never there in the first place.

Dagenham I wouldn't say are too much smaller than ourselves, we're down there with the worst attendances in the league. I sometimes don't know where we get this billy big bollocks attitude from, historically we've never been anything other than a middle ranking 4th division side for a sustained period of time. These same Stags fans who say Dagenham aren't a "proper league team" (WTF is one of those anyway?) will call Forest fans for living in the past.

Spot on Al. As a club we've been a genuine nobody for years. Even the majority of the town mock the living bejesus out of the side.
Though I think that the majority of us realise that we've been a much lesser club than we were for a good quarter of a century now.
When I was a kid we were a well established third tier club; that status is miles off these days, we are no better than any club in this division and are still struggling to re-establish ourselves as a Football League club. So let's not get ahead of ourselves after a 7pts week, hey?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2015
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Mansfield Town
exactly, some need to just lighten up a little.
Spot on Al. As a club we've been a genuine nobody for years. Even the majority of the town mock the living bejesus out of the side.
Though I think that the majority of us realise that we've been a much lesser club than we were for a good quarter of a century now.
When I was a kid we were a well established third tier club; that status is miles off these days, we are no better than any club in this division and are still struggling to re-establish ourselves as a Football League club. So let's not get ahead of ourselves after a 7pts week, hey?

I don't think with the possibility of 1 poster there are any Mansfield fans with any grand thoughts about our club. I've supported us for 16 years and saw just 1 of those in league 1 for instance. We know our place in the world and that's a settling thing to have in some aspects.

Not sure about other stags fans but I only expected Plymouth at home followed by away trips to Stevenage and the dog & duck to bring in 3 (at best) points, to have got 7 is a real bonus, if we can follow that up with 4 or 6 in the next 2 home games I'll really start to consider.

Realistically I expect us to finish about 10th, though I hope we can do better

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