Saturday 30th April


May 16, 2021
Reaction score
Bolton Wanderers
Fair play to every team in L1 this season guys... a very strong, fun, enjoyabable & competitive season. No bitterness here Wigan deserved it on the whole season basis & knew how to win, Rotherham were a very strong organized unit & horrible to play against so fair play on promotion. MK did very well to put some late pressure on the top two but go into the playoffs in very good form so should be supremely confident in doing the business but like others have said Twine is for sure playing higher u[ next season regardless. I thought we had broken Sunderland after our game & their thought of panic sacking of Johnson but props to them for building some momentum with Neil. Argyle super unlucky but you've been very good this season & seem to have a good bunch of players so just go again. Oxford I think are one of the best teams on the eye & a fantastic footballing team... our matches were class to watch unlucky on just missing out. Commiserations to the relegated teams it's a very cruel game at times but look at it at a chance to rebuild & freshen things up. In terms of the most dangerous players I've seen against us this season first ones that come to mind are Stockton, M.Smith, Twine, Scully & Bannan. In terms of us we had an electric start to the season playing a very open attacking brand leading to insanely high scoring games like 3-3 vs MK opening day, 5-2 at Portman Road, 4-1 at The Valley then we hit a barrier with injuries especially Josh Sheehan who did his ACL after such a great start to his tenure at Wanderers, the whole Sarcevic falling out fiasco losing our captain midway through the season then Doyle shortly after following him out the door albeit in a more respectable exit. Regarding them two they were a key part of us last season but it was evident that they needed upgrading if we're going to be competing at the top. Xmas period was horrible for us & there was a point where I thought we'd be in a relegation scrap but our January business was top notch poaching players who are established but with more room to grow. Charles, Bodvarsson, Morley, Fossey, Sadlier, Dempsey & Trafford all fit like a glove completely changed our season & on top of that they've already had the past 6 months of bedding in at us so with a few more priority additions we'll be going into the new season with high expectations which is fantastic considering were we was just a few years ago so I'm happy we're we are at. Great season everybody & good luck next season ;)

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