Walsall v Wigan


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Jan 17, 2015
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Hong Kong
Crewe Alex
By far the biggest game of the weekend and no thread for it?!

3rd meets 4th in this battle of promotion contenders. Walsall have been wobbling of late, just 2 wins in their last 7. With grumblings from their fans about SO'D messing with the line ups and questioning his tactics, they look very vulnerable at the moment. Still in an great position and the teams below them(Wigan apart) aren't exactly catching them up with any great speed mind.

As for Wigan, they head into the game off the back of a 10 game unbeaten run. They have slowly risen to 4th and look well placed to make a charge on the top 2. Still, they are capable of throwing a wobbler themselves, having dropped points against Crewe and Oldham in recent weeks. Will a trip to Walsall be more to their liking?

Could be literally anything this. If Walsall are on their game, they could win. Wigan could blow them away. Could be a tight game, could be a wide open thriller. Can't call this, although I know a certain pessimistic Saddler that will be calling an away win! :shifty:

Walsall: DWDWLD

Recent meetings:
03 Oct 2015 Wigan Athletic 0-0 Walsall League One


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Jan 25, 2015
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Burton on Trent
0-0 fine with me to ! Although if there is a winner, purely for selfish reasons I hope its Wigan and the Saddlers come to us the following week in turmoil ! Before Saddlers fans start on me I hope you along with us get the 2 automatics !


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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0-0 fine with me to ! Although if there is a winner, purely for selfish reasons I hope its Wigan and the Saddlers come to us the following week in turmoil ! Before Saddlers fans start on me I hope you along with us get the 2 automatics !

I used to like you, but after that statement you can piss off.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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0-0 fine with me to ! Although if there is a winner, purely for selfish reasons I hope its Wigan and the Saddlers come to us the following week in turmoil ! Before Saddlers fans start on me I hope you along with us get the 2 automatics !
Just for that terraceman I hope us and wigan get top 2


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
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By far the biggest game of the weekend and no thread for it?!

3rd meets 4th in this battle of promotion contenders. Walsall have been wobbling of late, just 2 wins in their last 7. With grumblings from their fans about SO'D messing with the line ups and questioning his tactics, they look very vulnerable at the moment. Still in an great position and the teams below them(Wigan apart) aren't exactly catching them up with any great speed mind.

As for Wigan, they head into the game off the back of a 10 game unbeaten run. They have slowly risen to 4th and look well placed to make a charge on the top 2. Still, they are capable of throwing a wobbler themselves, having dropped points against Crewe and Oldham in recent weeks. Will a trip to Walsall be more to their liking?

Could be literally anything this. If Walsall are on their game, they could win. Wigan could blow them away. Could be a tight game, could be a wide open thriller. Can't call this, although I know a certain pessimistic Saddler that will be calling an away win! :shifty:

Walsall: DWDWLD

Recent meetings:
03 Oct 2015 Wigan Athletic 0-0 Walsall League One

Our fans are in a negative melt down as we watch the good work of the opening half of the season slowly dwindle away.

In fairness, last weeks performance was excellent. But when you play poorly and don't pick up results, then play well, and don't pick up a win - confidence goes, heads drop. A few boo's rang around the away end at full time last week, more out of frustration with the result than the performance or aimed at the players. However, there was quite a few noticeable signs from the players that things aren't great at the moment. Milan stormed off when he was subbed, Henry didn't look pleased at full time - Taylor had a stare off with one of our fans after someone told him to 'sort himself out' (in fairness, this was a Jeremy Kyle special chav pond life ****, loads of our fans gave him shit after it)..a few comments on social media suggest things aren't great with SOD.

Then you have SOD himself. Made his pet project changing Rico Henry into a left winger...but then leaving him on the bench for 87 minutes, despite the fact he was making his name as an attacking left back and having every scout from here to Spain keeping an eye out. Not sure how that works. Sawyers is playing deeper, meaning A) He now creates the centre of the pitch and B) He isn't next to Bradshaw, leaving him isolated and man marked against 2 centre halfs constantly.

Then you have the blantant stupidity of SOD, in interviews commenting on how Forde has improved supremely since he's taken over, despite the fact he was a weak link at Crewe last week - and yet he continues to favour him over Morris/Lalkovic and Henry. Then an article went up about him raving over Sawyers - despite the fact, he has dropped him deeper, where he isn't as effective. Then we revert back to Henry. Who quite clearly isn't a winger yet, everyone in the world can see it, bar out seemingly very dim manager.

Any road, Wigan are on fire, they will win the league IMO - with a few points to spare. They are bringing a good following and everything about our team/fanbase are quite low at the moment - the opposite as such.

I will go with a 1-3 defeat where we create and miss yet more chance, whilst in the game and on top. Then get punished.

If we don't turn up though, then it really could get ugly.


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Jan 18, 2015
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Walsall FC
Walsall 0 - 3 Wigan.....its what we do at home!


Aug 29, 2015
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Walsall FC
We do seem to step it up against the better opposition so who knows. Think it will be a draw, fancy us at Burton the week after


Andy Butler is a god
Aug 26, 2014
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Walsall FC
Absolutely gutting that, I hate football at times.

Still I feel Wigan deserved it, we only woke up and started to play well after 65 minutes and got a lovely equaliser and then was in control of the match from then on. But the difference between Wigan and Walsall is they have invested and improved their squad in January and we haven't. They brought in Morsy who I felt was excellent today, they also scored their first from nowhere with a wonder strike from McAleny and also had talent on the bench like £1m Wildschut on the bench to grab a winner. In comparisons, our bench had youngsters and Jordan Cook on it.


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Aug 3, 2014
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Not too arsed about losing to Wigan, they will win the league and have invested millions at important times into their squad.

I am more interested in the bottle job our players are not only puting on, but the fact our manager is appearing more retarded by the week.

Any explanation as to why Henry didn't make the squad?
Any explanation as to why Forde was favoured over Morris? (Even though he played well)
Any explanation as to why our first sub was 87 minutes in?
Any explanation as to why we haven't loaned a forward to try and help Bradshaw with the goals?
Why does our manager change things that are working for things that aren't?
Why does our manager contradict everything he said when he arrived?
Why does our manager waste wages on a loanee, who is only here for another fortnight, and he hasn't played a single minute of football?
Why does our manager rave about the opposition, including Crewe last week, when it's blatantly obvious we aren't that bad ourselves, playing down our hopes?
Why does our inspire the confidence of someone without a voicebox just before they head onto stage to perform in a concert dedicated to them!?
Any exaplanation as to why our formations/formula have changed and seem to change each week?

We are genuinely bottling a once in a decade opportunity to be promoted to the Championship in what can only be considered as the very worst League One (quality wise) in FOOTBALL history.

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Andy Butler is a god
Aug 26, 2014
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Walsall FC
Not sure I fully agree Saddler. I do agree that he is beginning to get annoying and is making some bizarre decisions such as leaving out Rico and not reinforcing the squad. However Forde has been excellent since he has been brought in as a regular and was by far and away MOTM today easily. Also the formation has been 4411 for about a month now, that hasn't changed either.

We need players in ASAP or this poor run of form at home could change future views on this season completely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
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Not sure I fully agree Saddler. I do agree that he is beginning to get annoying and is making some bizarre decisions such as leaving out Rico and not reinforcing the squad. However Forde has been excellent since he has been brought in as a regular and was by far and away MOTM today easily. Also the formation has been 4411 for about a month now, that hasn't changed either.

We need players in ASAP or this poor run of form at home could change future views on this season completely.

But ask yourself though, have we improved or gone drastically backwards under him? It's the latter. If Henry is fully fit but left out of the squad then he can resign tonight as far as I'm concerned. Forde may have had a good game today, but he was poor last week at Crewe, he looked a weak link and the amount of times we had Crewe 3 vs 3 where Morris's pace and ability to skin a man could have opened them out only to be cancelled out by Forde turning back, as he has no pace was farcical. I like Forde, but he has to play centrally IMO.

With regards to formations - we won at Brentford playing wingbacks, yet we haven't used that formation since? Our success came with Demetriou/Henry as wingbacks away from home, playing 3 in the middle and dominating sides by playing good, free-flowing football. Yet, Henry is now a winger? Or left out? Morris is nowhere to be seen, especially at home where he and Milan were very good under Smith. Sawyers is suddenly playing as a holding midfielder?

That and the annoying comments/contradictions about changing nothing are beginning to really wind me up now. I'm probably being harsh on him, but there's no room for sentiment at a cut throat time of the season...and it's simple, we are half the side we were under Smith at the moment and the main reason for it - is him.


Andy Butler is a god
Aug 26, 2014
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Walsall FC
But ask yourself though, have we improved or gone drastically backwards under him? It's the latter. If Henry is fully fit but left out of the squad then he can resign tonight as far as I'm concerned. Forde may have had a good game today, but he was poor last week at Crewe, he looked a weak link and the amount of times we had Crewe 3 vs 3 where Morris's pace and ability to skin a man could have opened them out only to be cancelled out by Forde turning back, as he has no pace was farcical. I like Forde, but he has to play centrally IMO.

With regards to formations - we won at Brentford playing wingbacks, yet we haven't used that formation since? Our success came with Demetriou/Henry as wingbacks away from home, playing 3 in the middle and dominating sides by playing good, free-flowing football. Yet, Henry is now a winger? Or left out? Morris is nowhere to be seen, especially at home where he and Milan were very good under Smith. Sawyers is suddenly playing as a holding midfielder?

That and the annoying comments/contradictions about changing nothing are beginning to really wind me up now. I'm probably being harsh on him, but there's no room for sentiment at a cut throat time of the season...and it's simple, we are half the side we were under Smith at the moment and the main reason for it - is him.
Rico failed a fitness test today so it's not a bomb out thankfully. However it is fucking frustrating how he plays Taylor over him in the first place, I just made a post about it on UTS saying how our attacking fast full backs were so influential to our play early and he has now seemingly come in and destroyed that. I'm really now beginning to dislike what he is doing.

However on the formations. I did like the 5 but we haven't played that since November, Brentford away we played a 433 with Evans on the RW. The other issues I agree with but they are more down to player positions than formations, but my belief is to always play your best players in their best positions.

I like Morris just as much as I like Forde but they both suffer from quite severe lacks of consistency and composure. For me recently Forde has been overall very good and it's fully justified for me that SOD keeps playing him. Today proved this quite heavily, he was everywhere and helped drive the team onto even having a good 20 minute spell.


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Jan 18, 2015
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Walsall FC
A tough one to know where to start here. Ok so i'll start with Etheridge. Why oh why does this guy seem untouchable with the Walsall fans. Utter wank for both goals especially the 2nd that a blind, decrepid 98 year would have saved. Its quite simple, if Wacka is in goal we win that match 1-0. Not only would he have saved them he would have caught them! Cant ever relax with this shit non-league goalie.

Next has to be Sean retarded **** O' Dismal. I wonder if he understands FA rules? Sean you are allowed 3 substitiutions with a 90minute period. Its February, pitches are heavy, theres a lot of games and players get tired. You are allowed to make a sub before 92 minutes,...did you know!!! Strange that Wigan perfectly picked up on the basic concept. Also the stand there folded arms, silent touchline personality isn't really getting much enthusiasm to the players. Also 1 up front at home doesnt work and never fucking will do. Bradshaw is 4 ft 1 and weighs about 3 stone soaked through. Week after week he is marked out of the game by 4 beasts and hugley isolated. Its childs play for the opposition to stifle any 'attacking threat' we have. Come back Deano, all is forgiven. The Brentford sacking is soon so get on the phone to Bonser and plead. Its obvious SOD has lost the dressing room. They have no energy, motivation and no respect for the guy. I simply cant listen to him in any interview now. Show some passion just once PLEASE!!!!!!

Romaine Sawyers: Another 'untouchable' with the Walsall fans. He has been jogging around the pitch in a deep position for weeks. This guy wouldnt look out of place in a prem team on his day. Things get tough and he disappears when we need him most. The boy has been reading his own press. Drop him O'Dismal to give him the shake up he needs.

Sam Mantom: Thank you for scoring an amazing goal. 1 second of quality in 90 minutes His twin brother is James Chambers not you. We wont look badly on you if you try 1 forward pass or attacking run in a game!!

The worst thing about today was that Wigan were another in a long list of average teams to visit the Bescot. Pre-christmas we beat them, simple. Make no mistake they deserved to win today and it could have been 0-3 at HT. Teams are coming to Bescot, looking at the league table and thinking we are a good team. It probably explains the strange over the top pitch invasion by the Wigan fans but the truth is we are a soft touch.

Will Grigg: Another drifter that left for a few extra quid. The hands out, laughing at the Walsall fans. Grow up you utter bellend. 3 chances today and how many did you score???

Oh well, Burton away next week. For me THE defining game of the season. Lets see.


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Jul 30, 2015
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wigan athletic
A tough one to know where to start here. Ok so i'll start with Etheridge. Why oh why does this guy seem untouchable with the Walsall fans. Utter wank for both goals especially the 2nd that a blind, decrepid 98 year would have saved. Its quite simple, if Wacka is in goal we win that match 1-0. Not only would he have saved them he would have caught them! Cant ever relax with this shit non-league goalie.

Next has to be Sean retarded **** O' Dismal. I wonder if he understands FA rules? Sean you are allowed 3 substitiutions with a 90minute period. Its February, pitches are heavy, theres a lot of games and players get tired. You are allowed to make a sub before 92 minutes,...did you know!!! Strange that Wigan perfectly picked up on the basic concept. Also the stand there folded arms, silent touchline personality isn't really getting much enthusiasm to the players. Also 1 up front at home doesnt work and never fucking will do. Bradshaw is 4 ft 1 and weighs about 3 stone soaked through. Week after week he is marked out of the game by 4 beasts and hugley isolated. Its childs play for the opposition to stifle any 'attacking threat' we have. Come back Deano, all is forgiven. The Brentford sacking is soon so get on the phone to Bonser and plead. Its obvious SOD has lost the dressing room. They have no energy, motivation and no respect for the guy. I simply cant listen to him in any interview now. Show some passion just once PLEASE!!!!!!

Romaine Sawyers: Another 'untouchable' with the Walsall fans. He has been jogging around the pitch in a deep position for weeks. This guy wouldnt look out of place in a prem team on his day. Things get tough and he disappears when we need him most. The boy has been reading his own press. Drop him O'Dismal to give him the shake up he needs.

Sam Mantom: Thank you for scoring an amazing goal. 1 second of quality in 90 minutes His twin brother is James Chambers not you. We wont look badly on you if you try 1 forward pass or attacking run in a game!!

The worst thing about today was that Wigan were another in a long list of average teams to visit the Bescot. Pre-christmas we beat them, simple. Make no mistake they deserved to win today and it could have been 0-3 at HT. Teams are coming to Bescot, looking at the league table and thinking we are a good team. It probably explains the strange over the top pitch invasion by the Wigan fans but the truth is we are a soft touch.

Will Grigg: Another drifter that left for a few extra quid. The hands out, laughing at the Walsall fans. Grow up you utter bellend. 3 chances today and how many did you score???

Oh well, Burton away next week. For me THE defining game of the season. Lets see.
grigg>>>>>>>>>bradshaw missed loads of games grigg with international at the start of the seaspn hardly got going but i wouldnt swap him for any striker in this league not a chance


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2014
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We have had both and Grigg has more of an all round game, but I'd prefer Bradshaw to put the ball in the net - no doubt about it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2015
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Grigg (pen) is an irritating little fucker.
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Aug 29, 2015
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Walsall FC
Gutting result really, I think a lot of final 'match reports' would have been slightly different if it ended 1-1 but I think we all know we ain't performing like we have been, regardless of the scoreline. Fair play to wigan snatching it at the death though, especially as the away side.

Rico rumours are just...rumours by the looks as he's injured. Well I certainly hope so anyway.

It is blatantly obvious Bradshaw is ineffective up front on his own and to be honest he looks done in for the season already, feeding off scraps every game, even under Smith I personally wasn't too happy with him acting as the target man when he's about 5 ft 10 and not exactly akinfenwa build either. Desperately need another face up front.

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